7-Week Path to Balanced Energy, Spiritual Alignment, and Self-Discovery helping you align with 5D New Earth Energy.

Throughout this experience, you'll embark on a journey of self-discovery, focusing on a specific Chakra each week to explore and familiarize yourself with your own energy. Guided by ancient wisdom and intuitive practices, you'll uncover and release anything that is tethering you to 3D energy, whether it be trauma, negative beliefs, or stored energy from this life or another.

Achieving personal growth and alignment requires patience and commitment. This course is designed to offer the necessary guidance for navigating these transformative processes.

Why I teach this course

Following my Awakening in 2016, I embarked on a profound journey of self-discovery. Like many undergoing such an awakening, I found myself drawn to meditation and various holistic practices. It was during one of these meditation sessions that a profound realization struck me: the power to heal ourselves lies within our own energy. This revelation led me toĀ study energy healing.

As I began working with my chakras and clearing blockages, I experienced the release of emotions stored within my body and emotions I hadn't even been aware of. Recognizing the significant role energy healing played in my own healing and transformation, I made the decision to become certified as a practitioner and eventually pursued Reiki Master training.

Clearing our energy field of old beliefs, traumas, and experiences is paramount to reclaiming our personal power and aligning with the abundance meant for us. I trust that you will find as much value in this course as I did when I embarked on my own journey of healing and self-discovery.