The Unrestrained Wild Woman

awakened woman awakening embody healer healing healing guidance healing support inner power innerchild shine your power spiritual alignment wild woman Oct 16, 2023
Embodied Wild Woman




The breeze enveloping you,
Caressing your cheeks,
Whispering secrets to your soul,
Tenderly caressing your hair,
The very essence of the wind,
Enveloping all around you.

The wind's most potent attribute lies in its authenticity.
It does not vie with its surroundings; it wholly embraces its own nature.
Adapting to the ebb and flow of the elements, it remains true to itself.
With the power to extinguish or invigorate a flame,
It can be tranquil or unrestrained,
Unshackled and fluid,
Serene or formidable.

The wind,
Wild and mighty,
Yet it bestows life and breath upon the earth and all its inhabitants.


Much like the wind, when we fully embrace our true essence and manifest our untamed inner strength, we transform into the most genuine rendition of ourselves. Unapologetically potent and unrestrained. Fearless and unapologetic in our ability to influence a space or illuminate the energy that surrounds us.

The untamed spirit within us encapsulates both our inner child and the battle-worn warrior. She boldly utters her truths without hesitation and loves without the veil of shadows.

What does it require to welcome this aspect of our being, shedding the veils that hinder us from mustering the courage to be our true selves, unburdened and untamed? To sway to the rhythm of Tribal beats, chanting our warriors cry, tears flowing without restraint.

There comes a time when we reflect upon our journey and witness our evolution. We grasp that we have transitioned from the apprehensive woman to the unbridled wild woman. We metamorphose into the Awakened Woman, concealed beneath the layers and restraints of the heart.


Healing is an art, a craft that demands unwavering commitment.

It's about repeatedly returning to the shadows and inner wounds, unveiling what's concealed within them, until they are cleansed of the muck that once held them captive and shrouded our own radiance.

Becoming our authentic selves unfolds within the battlefield of our own hearts.

Instead of seeking healing and alignment externally, it must be nurtured within, deep within our very essence and light.

When we've allowed the darkness to obscure our true selves, making it our identity, we become one with our wounds, shielding our inner power.

We avert our gaze from our own light and hinder our hearts from fully embracing love and offering it without reservation.

There comes a moment when you glance back at your life and witness your own transformation.

It's when you realize that you're no longer concealing the light you've always known resides deep within you.

You no longer offer apologies for the truth of your radiant essence shining into the world; you wholeheartedly embrace your powerful self.

We often overlook the opportunity to reflect on our personal growth and how profoundly we've evolved.

Yet, it's in the act of outwardly practicing our own healing and boldly manifesting our essence and untamed beauty that we truly embody our growth. Placing ourselves in situations that demand us to openly engage with our inner beauty propels us towards alignment with our higher self and inner strength.

It's in these moments when we stretch beyond the confines, we've known life to be, venturing into the unknown wilderness, that we genuinely acknowledge our growth.

When we shatter the limited box and mindset that once concealed our light, we see our own radiance and transformation.

Often, those around us may perceive our essence and light more clearly than we do. However, it's by claiming our own light that we grant them permission to embark on their own journey of self-discovery.

By becoming the living example of healing and embodying your higher self, you give others the permission to follow suit.

To all those who are keeping themselves hidden, to those who sense an inner yearning ready to burst forth and illuminate the world, the time has come.

It's time to embrace your wild side and cease holding back the brilliance within you.

Just as the wind arrives unapologetically, it's time for us to show up without reservations.

Transform into the most potent version of yourself. Embrace the embodiment of the Wild Woman.

Book a Healing Session or Reading

Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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