Steps of Faith: Walking the Path to Manifestation

awakening deconstruction healing guidance manifesting spiritual alignment spiritual awakening spiritual growth trust Nov 22, 2023

I spent a significant amount of my life in the church.

Even though I did not grow up in a religious home or with a family that attended church. When I turned 16, I began attending church regularly and subsequently followed the crowd to a Christian college.

There, I immersed myself in the study of the Bible, participated in missions abroad, and engaged in various ministry activities.

I had always felt a connection to something beyond the physical realm.

Strange experiences, encounters with spirits, and unexplained phenomena were a part of my reality since I was very young.
However, my experiences often conflicted with the teachings promoted within the church.

People dismissed my experiences as demonic, leaving me feeling lost and disconnected from my spiritual gifts. 

It was a pivotal moment in my backyard in 2016 when I had a sudden profound spiritual awakening that triggered a shift in my beliefs. (Find my Book Leaf Lessons on Amazon to learn more about this story)

This sudden spiritual awakening led me towards questioned the teachings I had learned in the church and drove me even deeper into biblical studies seeking the truth.
Within my studies I began to realize discrepancies and contradictions within the stories I read.

My spiritual awakening opened doors to heightened abilities to communicate with the spirit realm on a higher frequency level, and through these connections, I've discovered how spirits use relatable human experiences to convey profound messages, much like the parables found in the Bible.

Recently, during a meditation session, I had a revelation inspired by the biblical story of Peter stepping out of the boat to meet Jesus walking on water.

During this meditation vision I suddenly found myself standing in darkness, seeing only my feet, and one step ahead of me.

In my spirit I heard; "walking by faith, not by sight."

This profound insight resonated deeply.

It illuminated the essence of trusting spiritual guidance in our manifestation journey.

Often, we're given only one step at a time, urging us to trust that the next step will unfold when we take that leap of faith.

Embracing this trust means releasing the ego's need to control and predict outcomes.

It's about surrendering to the guidance of the divine and the spirits around us, even when the path ahead appears unclear.

This message speaks to the heart of our desires—to create a life we love.

Trusting the divine to guide our steps, even when uncertainty shrouds the future, paves the way for manifestation beyond our imagination.

So, if today you are struggling to see your desired manifestations come to life.

Take a moment and embracing faith over fear, trusting the journey, and allowing the spiritual realm to guide your steps towards the life we've always envisioned, one step at a time.

Let go of the struggle and the notion that you must conform to specific expectations or actions to manifest the next step or the life you desire. Instead, take a moment to unwind and have faith.

It is very likely that the life you are desiring to manifest in front of you will turn out to be much more beautiful than the one you can imagine creating yourself! 

Sending you ALL the Universal Love,
Soul Alignment Mentor

🌿✨ #WalkingByFaith #SpiritualJourney #Manifestation #TrustTheDivine

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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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