Dispelling Myths: The Truth About Dark Spirits and the Notion of Hell

christ concsiousness darkness evil healer heaven hell intuitive myths Nov 07, 2023
Revealing the Myth of Hell

In a world often shrouded in fear and uncertainty, one thing remains constant - the power of love and light.

As an Intuitive Reader who converses with spirits from the other side, I've embarked on a personal journey of self-discovery and growth, transcending the boundaries of conventional beliefs to uncover the profound truth that love is all that truly matters.

For many of us, traditional teachings have instilled the notion of a dark, foreboding place called Hell, reserved for those who fail to meet specific human expectations.

But for me, my spiritual awakening in 2016 marked the beginning of a profound transformation, leading me to deconstruct my beliefs, evaluate them, and ultimately expand and evolve them.

The religious teachings I received in my time within the church had sown seeds of fear regarding spirit communication and connecting with my own spirit guides.

However, a pivotal shift occurred when my father passed away Sept. 2020. 

In the wake of his passing, my father began to visit me, revealing that he had become one of my spirit guides, aiding me on my earthly mission.

It was this connection that allowed me to shed some of the apprehensions I held about communicating with spirits.

As someone who has always been an intuitive energy reader and empath, but unaware until I started to cultivate the gift, I've had to undertake significant healing to trust the messages that flow through me.

Over the years, I've been fortunate to receive messages describing what life is like as a spirit from my father's spirit, and many others who have randomly dropped in to give me messages.

It is sometimes amusing for me to think about the fact that we humans often forget our true nature.

Our spirit is our original and authentic form, while our human life and body serve as vessels for learning and growth.

Unlike our human existence, our spirits only know love and light.
Becoming human, exposes us to negative emotions and "darker" energies for the purpose of growth.

But it's essential to understand that these dark energies are confined to our earthly realm.

We, as humans, have created the darkness through our limiting beliefs, traumas, harm to one another, negative self-perceptions, and the ceaseless pursuit of ego-driven comparisons.

Instead of recognizing each person as a spirit embarked on their unique journey of consciousness expansion, we've regrettably come to view one another as adversaries, superior or inferior.

The more I acquaint myself with my own spirit and engage with other spirits, the more certain I become that there is only love and light on the other side.

There is no eternal dark place to which spirits are banished, and there are no malevolent spirits seeking to harm us.

If a spirit appears dark, it merely signifies their choice not to transition to a higher energetic dimension. This choice doesn't render them evil but rather signifies their free will to decide their path.

For a more in-depth exploration of the concept of darkness and dark energy spirits, I invite you to read my book, "Composting the Ego." You'll find a comprehensive chapter dedicated to this subject.

In closing, I wish to encourage anyone seeking the truth to release their fear of the afterlife.

Rest assured, there's nothing to be afraid of on the other side.

Whether you call it Heaven or the Light, it is a realm brimming with love, and in this lifetime, love is the only thing that truly matters.

Embrace the love and light within and around you, and let it guide you on your path to self-discovery and enlightenment.

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