The Power of Going Inward: The "How" behind Healing and Soul-Alignment

awakened woman christ concsiousness energyhealing healer healing healing guidance healing support meditation mindfulness Nov 06, 2023

In the world of self-improvement and personal growth, one question seems to echo loudly:


How do I heal?

How do I align my chakras?

How do I clear my energy?

How do I connect to my intuition?

How do I get to know my spirit guides?

The frustration behind these "How" questions can often be a stumbling block on our journey to personal growth and healing.

We live in an age where influencers and experts flood the internet with advice on self-love, healing, mindset, and energy cleansing.

They speak of these transformative processes but often leave out the crucial details of "how" to achieve them. This omission can lead to more frustration than actual help.

Of course, we all know that we should clean up our thinking, improve our mindset, and balance our energy. We desire a deeper connection with our intuition and spirit guides. But, again, the elusive "how" question haunts us.

If you find yourself grappling with this "How" question, rest assured, you are not alone.

As someone who has worked extensively in the mental health field with a wide range of individuals, from young children to wise elders, I understand the complexities and challenges of the human experience.

What we all share, regardless of age or background, is the fundamental desire to be seen, loved, and valued.

However, what the world often fails to teach us is that the path to fulfilling these desires lies within us.

But here comes the next big question: How do we go inward?

Going inward begins with quieting the mind.

The quieter the mind, the easier it is to access the parts of ourselves that require healing.

Without moments of stillness and quiet, our ego minds continually seek external solutions for our internal struggles.

True healing doesn't come from external sources; it requires us to dive deep into our own minds, energy, and mindset, and confront the buried emotions and memories within our bodies.

Sometimes, this process unearths long-held emotions and experiences, while at other times, it reveals more recent wounds.

Healing is not a linear path; it's a spiral, with some turns more challenging than others.

However, what we can be certain of is that if we stay committed to the journey, we will witness transformation in our lives.

Healing is indeed possible, but it necessitates active participation.

Supportive relationships play a crucial role on this healing journey, as we thrive within the safety of such healing connections.

However, the essential key lies in turning inward to explore your own energy. These healing relationships should serve as guides leading you toward self-discovery, not directing you outward for solutions.

The "HOW" you seek is not out there; it's inside you.

Embrace the power of stillness, quiet your mind, and embark on a journey of self-discovery and healing.

By doing so, you'll unlock the answers to the "HOW" questions that have been holding you back and find the healing and alignment you seek from within.

All the Universal Love,

Seeking Spiritual Awakening or Healing Support?
If you're looking to deepen your connection with your spirit, and develop the ability to hear from your intuition, feel free to schedule an intuitive healing session or reading with me, or join my 7-week mentorship program focusing on energy, mindset healing, ego reprogramming, and developing your spiritual gifts.

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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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