The Power of Meditation: Quieting the Mind and Unlocking Healing

energyhealing healing healing guidance healing support higher self intuitive healing meditation mindfulness power of the mind present moment reiki self doubt spirit guides spiritual growth spiritual teacher therapy Sep 20, 2023
The Path to Healing and Self-Discovery

Have you ever driven to work, a friend's house, or the grocery store and realized that you arrived at your destination without any awareness of the drive? It's a common experience that highlights the incredible capabilities of our brains. Our minds can hold information from the past, the present, and even, in some ways, the future. But what happens when we want to harness that power to improve our lives, find inner peace, and embark on a journey of self-discovery? That's where meditation comes in & how it provided a powerful shift for my own healing. 

The Struggle to Silence the Mind

When I first ventured into meditation, I encountered a significant challenge: sitting in silence for even just a minute felt like an eternity. It was akin to walking on a treadmill or waiting for the microwave timer to count down. It seemed as though the more I tried to focus, the longer each moment dragged on. Starting a meditation practice can feel like this because our minds are used to constant chatter and activity.

My initial attempts at meditation were thwarted by the relentless stream of thoughts, words, and feelings racing through my mind. To combat this mental cacophony, I turned to various tools to help me focus and rewire my thought patterns. I started using meditation apps with soothing music, and I'd wear headphones to block out external distractions. These strategies provided some relief, but I knew I needed more.

As I've aged, I discovered that I was facing growing difficulty in finding the same enjoyment in journaling that I once cherished. However, I also remained acutely aware of the immense power that writing held for me and was determined to discover a more comfortable way to continue this practice.

During one of my meditation sessions, an idea struck me. I grabbed a drawing pad and wrote a single word at its center: "Mindfulness." Around it, I began to jot down words and short statements that popped into my mind. Using no filter; I wrote whatever came to me.

This turned into a daily practice for me as I begin to write words that came to my mind and added to them during my meditation practice. Some days, the words such a anger came out, and others days compassion, either toward others or myself.


A Journey into Mindfulness

What transpired was a profound shift in my understanding of mindfulness.

Instead of attempting to change everything in my mind at once, I decided to focus on one thing at a time. I filled that drawing pad with page after page of words and statements. I didn't concern myself with spelling or sentence structure. I simply wrote. This practice allowed me to get in touch with the voice in my head that seemed to govern my life.

Over the course of a few months, I became increasingly aware of the thoughts swirling in my mind. This awareness marked my first steps toward mindfulness.

It wasn't long before I discovered my ability to quiet my mind during meditation sessions was increasing. What initially felt like an insurmountable challenge became a powerful and enlightening experience. I was hooked. As I went deeper into my meditation practice, I noticed a transformation in my thought patterns during interactions with others.

I no longer felt compelled to defend myself or play the victim when hurt. Instead, I observed the feelings that arose, acknowledged them, and recognized them as areas in my mind that needed attention. I would revisit those triggers or words in my drawing pad, exploring the emotions, feelings, and related situations tied to them.


The Path to Healing and Self-Discovery

Without a doubt, my determination to quiet my mind set me on a path of healing that exceeded my expectations. Meditation allowed me to tune into my intuition more effectively and make choices aligned with my true desires. When I first started, I didn't have specific goals in mind, but as I continued my journey, intuitive guidance led me to write my first book, seek more aligned healing support, and expand my ability to perceive myself and the world in a new light.

Meditation played such a pivotal role in my healing journey that I made the decision to attain certification as a meditation instructor in order to share its power with others at the end of 2021, and Meditation remains one of the most potent tools in my healing toolbox. It is also now what I teach my clients when working with them one-on-one, helping them cultivate a profound connection with their higher selves and spirit guides.

Embracing Discomfort for Transformation

Anything worth having is worth pushing through discomfort to attain. We must decide what we want most: to remain the same or to step into our highest, most powerful selves. It all begins with taking control of our minds, and meditation is the key to unlocking that potential. It's a journey that may be challenging at times, but the rewards—inner peace, self-discovery, and healing—are more than worth the effort.

Want support on your Healing & Meditation Journey?
I have availability for both 6-week and 12-week one-on-one support programs designed to assist you in embarking on your personal meditation journey and enhancing your capacity to connect with your spiritual guidance.

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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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