Higher Conscious Healing: Merging Spirituality with Mental Health

alignment awakening balancing energy consciousness ego energyhealing healer healing healing guidance higher self self doubt self love shadow work Nov 13, 2023

From a young age, my journey into mental health was driven by an inner desire to assist others facing struggles similar to mine.

Growing up in an abusive home filled me with shame, resulting in both physical and mental symptoms stemming from hidden secrets I kept hidden in my body, and subconscious. 

Back then, I didn't comprehend the intricacies of energy, but today, I do.

Years spent working with children in mental health unveiled a crucial observation for me: a stable home environment directly impacted a child's well-being.

Often, children revealed the secrets they harbored, only to be dismissed by parents unaware of the lasting impact.

Recognizing this, and delving into my own healing journey, I now understand that many children bear burdens that become the blueprint for their future lives.

These secrets, traumas and programmed beliefs shape their relationships, careers, and inner feelings, leading to a lifelong quest for self-discovery and understanding.

Some seek support later in life, and some don't.
Fortunately, dedicated therapists are there to help. I highly promote therapy and believe it is a valuable tool for healing. 

However, I also understand that you may not find all the healing you need through simply going to therapy. 
Many go to therapy for years, yet still struggle with the same unwanted patterns, beliefs, and internal turmoil that took them to therapy in the first place. 

With a background in mental health, covering areas from substance abuse to trauma, I've encountered myriad stories.
Over time, nothing surprised me anymore, and I had to learn to desensitize myself from the emotional toll.

Despite my efforts in helping everyone that crossed my path, I always felt I wasn't doing enough.

It wasn't until my spiritual awakening in 2016 that my view of mental health changed.
I began to see healing through a spiritual lens, and I realized that the missing piece of the healing puzzle was our connection to the spiritual self.

While traditional therapy is invaluable, combining spiritual healing with mental health knowledge brings profound transformation.

Recognizing that we're not just physical beings but spirits living as humans, I now advocate for integrating both aspects into the healing process.

This involves diving into the subconscious mind to understand ourselves on a spiritual level.

By recognizing that our beliefs and patterns are often programmed responses to life experiences, we shift from self-condemnation to understanding the protective mechanisms built by our ego.

The key is finding balance—embracing both the ego and spirit. It's about remembering who we truly are and embarking on a journey to embody our essence and power, but as a human, and a spiritual being living a human life. 

Healing isn't a straightforward path; that's why many hesitate to take the deep dive.

Some mistakenly believe they've healed when patterns persist, attributing them to external circumstances instead of going into their own shadows, and examining their own energy and beliefs.

True healing is not about becoming worthy; it's about training the mind, body, and brain to believe in the inherent worthiness that already exists within.

It's a transformative journey of reprogramming and self-discovery, ultimately reclaiming the essence and power within. 

By integrating spiritual healing, energy work, and leveraging the strategies and expertise of trained mental health professionals, the transformation can delve much deeper, affecting the mind, body, and soul.

This process unlocks the power, potential, and essence of the spirit within you—the spirit that encompasses all your intuitive gifts, power, and creativity, ready to be shared with the world.

Sending All the Universal Love,

Be sure to click follow for more intuitive insight on soul alignment, healing, and spiritual growth! 


Now Enrolling: Raise your Vibration! 

A seven-week program leading you through a step-by-step process to elevate your vibration, healing old patterns, and stepping into your potential and power.
You will learn more about your own energy field, and how to better protect your energy, while developing your Spiritual Gifts and dismantling deeply ingrained limiting mindset programming and beliefs.

Set up a free consultation with me, and we can discuss how this program can help you protect your energy, heal limiting beliefs, and raise your vibration! 


Book a Healing Session or Reading

Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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