The Power of Spiritual Hygiene in Daily Routines

alignment awakening energyhealing healing mental health power of the mind self love soul alignment Dec 05, 2023
Spiritual Hygiene

Cultivating a daily routine for spiritual hygiene is essential for nurturing a practice that allows us to regularly attune to our inner energy and connect with our spiritual team.

This intentional practice aids in elevating our frequency and vibration, fostering a centered state, especially during times when life feels askew.

In the journey of life, we often forget that we are spiritual beings navigating a human experience.

Our purpose here is expansion, which unfolds through the challenges we encounter.

The analogy provided by my spirit team likens this expansion to a battery or an electrical outlet.

Just as different batteries serve varied purposes, each carrying a distinct voltage, so do the outlets in our homes accommodate different energy frequencies with varying prongs—two, three, or even four, each designed for different energy needs.

Attempting to fit a smaller battery into a larger appliance or plugging a higher frequency device into a lower capacity outlet can result in malfunction, potential danger, or imbalance. Likewise, mishandling the raw power of electricity without the proper knowledge or equipment can lead to harm.

As we awaken to higher dimensions of consciousness, it becomes imperative to align ourselves with suitable connections and energy conduits.

A heightened consciousness shields us from lower dimension energies—such as perpetual negative emotions, persistent struggles, or limiting beliefs—that often hinder us from embracing our true selves and purpose.

Engaging with higher energies enables us to perceive these challenges through a different lens, allowing us to transform our beliefs, perspectives, and responses.

This shift elevates our vibration, opening avenues to connect not only with our higher selves but also with departed loved ones existing in higher frequencies.

Elevating our consciousness and energy demands a daily commitment to practices that maintain the alignment of our energy, mind, and being with our higher selves.

It's a journey of self-awareness as spiritual beings experiencing a human incarnation, striking a balance between our spiritual and earthly existence—a synchronization of energies as above, so below.

Much like our daily shower cleanses our physical body, nurturing moments of spiritual hygiene is akin to purifying and rejuvenating our soul. Just as we attend to our physical cleanliness, it's equally crucial to carve out moments in our routines for spiritual awareness and cleansing to keep our inner being pure and revitalized.

Developing a consistent practice of spiritual hygiene isn't merely about fleeting moments of reflection or meditation; it's a deliberate and ongoing commitment to tending to the health of our soul and spirit.

Just as we engage in daily habits to maintain our physical health, integrating practices that elevate our spiritual well-being is vital for a balanced and harmonious life.

These moments of spiritual awareness act as a gentle cleanse for the soul, allowing us to release stagnant energies, negative emotions, and burdens accumulated through daily encounters. By regularly tending to our inner landscape, we create space for clarity, peace, and alignment with our higher selves.

In the quest for spiritual growth and higher consciousness, this dedicated attention to our inner world becomes a transformative journey—a process of shedding layers that no longer serve us and embracing energies that elevate our existence.

Therefore, weaving moments of spiritual hygiene into our daily lives is not only an act of self-care but a profound commitment to nurturing the essence of who we are—a spiritual being on a journey of self-discovery and expansion.

All the Universal Love,
Soul Alignment Mentor

As we embark on this journey of spiritual well-being, incorporating certain tools and practices can greatly enhance our experience. Crystals, for instance, hold immense energy and serve as potent allies in our quest for spiritual hygiene.

Here are a few crystals that I highly recommend for beginners:

  1. Selenite: This powerful crystal not only aids in clearing your own energy but also effectively cleanses the energy of other crystals, making it a must-have for your collection.

  2. Black Tourmaline: Known for its protective properties, Black Tourmaline acts as a shield against negative energies. Placing chunks of this stone strategically around your living space can help create an energetically secure environment.

  3. Amethyst: Renowned for its ability to alleviate anxiety, promote healing, and stimulate the third eye, Amethyst is a gentle yet potent crystal that can aid in spiritual growth and clarity.

  4. Black Obsidian: If grounding and spirit connection are your aims, Black Obsidian is an excellent choice. It's also effective in releasing dark energies, fostering a sense of balance and freedom within.

  5. Clear Quartz: As the "Master Healer," Clear Quartz amplifies the energies of other crystals and is programmable, making it adaptable for various tasks. Many use it for psychic or mediumship readings due to its heightened energy.

  6. Pyrite: With its purity and protection attributes, Pyrite assists in removing negative energies and fears while aiding in shedding old patterns.

These crystals, each with its unique properties, can significantly enhance your spiritual practice. Moreover, incorporating items like sage and palo santo sticks for energy clearing can further elevate your spiritual hygiene routine. Sage is ideal for larger spaces, while palo santo is great for cleansing your body's energy. Using incense also proves effective in purifying the home environment.

An additional tip for maintaining crystal energies is to set them under the full moon for a natural cleanse. Additionally, regularly using sage or palo santo to clear the crystals' energy can ensure they remain attuned to their full potential.

Incorporating these practices and tools into your daily routine can deepen your spiritual journey and foster a greater sense of inner peace and alignment.

To those seeking guidance on this transformative journey, I invite you to join me in a 7-week "Raise Your Vibration" course starting January 6th. Throughout these 7 weeks, I'll provide comprehensive guidance and insights essential for nurturing spiritual hygiene and elevating your energy. Email me for more information: [email protected]. Or join the course on


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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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