The Law of Reflection: What You See in Others Exists in You

awakening christ concsiousness consciousness deconstruction embody energyhealing enlighenment friendship fulfillment healing healing support higher self new earth soul alignment spiritual awakening Nov 01, 2023
Observing Your Reflection in the World Surrounding You


Have you ever heard the saying, "what you see in others, also exist in you"?

This morning during my meditation, I explored this concept, seeking a deeper understanding of the collective awakening of consciousness happening on an unprecedented scale.

We are living in a remarkable and transformative time, filled with both challenges and growth opportunities.

As I meditated, I received profound insights into the interconnectedness of our experiences, both individually and collectively.

I saw visions of Earth across different timelines – ancient times, biblical times, religious eras, and more. In each timeline, I witnessed humans inflicting harm upon one another and religious leaders persecuting those they labeled as spiritually powerful or "witches." As well as humans loving and supporting one another.

What struck me was the revelation that all these timelines were happening simultaneously.

Then, the focus shifted to the people in my present life.

Their faces emerged in my mind, along with the qualities I admired in them and the fears they harbored.

I saw myself in various group settings, observing the positive changes they inspired in me and the unresolved issues they stirred within me.

In that moment, a powerful realization dawned on me – I, as a spiritual being, was orchestrating these scenarios to facilitate my personal growth.

By deliberately placing myself in uncomfortable situations and triggering circumstances, I was unearthing wounds that needed healing.

However, there was a profound twist: I was also serving as a mirror for those around me.

My presence allowed them to see themselves more clearly, both their strengths and the areas in need of healing.

The universe is in a constant state of expansion.

It thrives on the interplay of opposing energies to create contrast and evolve.

Just as a battery relies on negative and positive sides to generate energy, we incarnate into human lives to experience the spectrum of emotional and energetic states.
We encounter challenges and hardships alongside moments of joy and positivity, all of which contribute to our spiritual growth and self-awareness.

The Law of One comes into play here – when we help another heal, we heal ourselves. Conversely, when we harm another, we harm ourselves, as we are all interconnected.

Everything we perceive around us is a projection and reflection of our unique frequency and perspective. Our experiences throughout our lifetimes shape this view, and the reflections we create around us manifest from this specific point of view.

This is why, when you observe the world around you, or when you're triggered by something you don't like, remember that it's a reflection of an aspect of yourself in need of healing.

Similarly, when you see something positive or admirable in someone, recognize it as a reflection of your own untapped potential.

By diving inward and discovering your true self, you create a more harmonious and soul-aligned life, and existence, positively impacting the world around you.

This is the transformative power of the Law of Reflection.

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If you're looking to deepen your connection with your spirit, and develop the ability to hear from your intuition, feel free to schedule an intuitive healing session or reading with me, or join my 7-week mentorship program focusing on energy, mindset healing, ego reprogramming, and developing your spiritual gifts.

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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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