Intuitive Insights: Viewing Your Life Through the Elements of Water

awakening deconstruction energyhealing enlighenment higher self inner power innerchild spirit guides spiritual alignment spiritual growth Oct 30, 2023

Last year, as I was pondering the different aspects of ourselves and the nature of intuition, I received an intriguing insight from my spirit guides.

This insight brought to mind the teaching I often heard in the Christian church before deconstructing about the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, often compared to an egg with its shell, yolk, and white – distinct yet one.

This got me thinking about the various components that make up our own being.

I realized that as individuals, we being the "I am" in human form, a blend of spirit, soul, and human.
We also have three distinct parts. 

The way my spirit described it to me was using the analogy of water.

Which I found interesting because from my religious teachings & understanding, water often symbolized "life" in the Bible.
Jesus himself mentioned how "living water would flow from within".

Though I no longer adhere to a religious framework or consider everything in the Bible as absolute truth, I do believe there are valuable insights for our spiritual growth within it.

That day my spirit team explained that our earthly existence, our body, could be compared to "ice" – a solid, heavy, and cold.

Then our soul, the liquid, "water". Bring breath and life into our body.
This water, much like water can warm and melt ice, gives heat to our body. 
Our soul being the life force for our body, providing warmth and enabling us to function in this physical world.

Then there's the idea of "vapor" or "steam" as our spirit.
When I teach this concept in person, I like to use the visual of a foggy morning.
The fog is everywhere and shapeless, much like our spirit, which is also all-encompassing and formless.

Our spirit connects us to everything, transcending time and dimensions.
It can exist simultaneously in the past, present, and future, granting us insights and knowledge.

This is why we sometimes experience sudden intuitions about future events, get insights on current circumstances we are seeking guidance for, and are able to do the inner work such as inner child healing.

Because our Spirit is all things at all times, in all places at all times, and is in all dimensions, it is connected to all aspects of our being, life, past, present and future. 

As we practice being more present and engage in healing, we become more attuned to our thoughts and actions, which helps us to reconnect with our spirit and intuition. 

Meditation, in particular, is a potent tool to reestablish a connection with all aspects of ourselves: body, soul, and spirit.
It enables us to address past traumas through inner child healing and seek guidance from our future self to shape the life we desire.

The key of connecting with our spirit and heeding our intuition lies in the present moment.
It's where we gather information and link up with all facets of ourselves.

Because our soul and spirit are timeless, and our body's life is finite, staying present allows us to listen to the quiet voice of our spirit and know to difference between our ego's programmed thoughts, and our spirits small still voice. 

Since our spirit is perpetually connected to all things, when we open ourselves to working with our higher self and intuition, we navigate through life with a greater sense of direction, knowing that a part of us always has insight and guides us toward a brighter future.

I encourage you to take some time today to be still and reflect on all the different aspects of yourself.

"Ice, Water, and Vapor". 
"Body, Soul, and Spirit".

Maybe this will open up your ability to more deeply connect with all parts of yourselves and better hear from your own intuition and spirits guidance. 

If you're looking to deepen your connection with your spirit, and develop the ability to hear from your intuition, feel free to schedule an intuitive healing session or reading with me, or join my 7-week mentorship program focusing on energy, mindset healing, ego reprogramming, and developing your spiritual gifts.

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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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