Awakening to Authenticity: Embracing Spiritual Evolution

alignment autheniticity awakened woman awakening christ concsiousness consciousness deconstruction ego enlighenment evil fulfillment higher self inner power myths Dec 07, 2023

When I first embarked on my spiritual awakening, no one handed me a manual, no one uttered a cautionary word about the seismic shifts awaiting me.

It was an unannounced voyage into a realm where my very identity underwent a profound metamorphosis.

Little did I know that this journey would unearth deep-seated traumas, buried in the recesses of my energy and body.

The revelation dawned upon me gradually, altering not just my perception of self but also how I perceived the world around me.

Suddenly, I found myself recognizing my spiritual essence—its potency, divinity, and purpose—something no one had prepared me for.

In this awakening, a subtle yet definitive transition occurred within me.

The yearning to fit into societal molds waned, gradually replaced by an indifference toward conformity.

Unexpectedly, dormant spiritual gifts, once stifled by trauma, religious indoctrination, and my constructed notions of divinity, resurfaced.

No one warned me of the day I'd heal to a point where moments of insecurity, triggers, and opportunities to heal would become catalysts for aligning with my most authentic self.

Back in 2016, as I embarked on this odyssey, I felt disoriented, uneasy, as if suddenly seeing the world through a different lens.

I sensed an intrinsic misalignment in my life's trajectory and an unspoken call for a more profound purpose.

What I hadn't foreseen was the profound connection I would cultivate with the spirit world, redefining myself as a spiritual being experiencing a human existence.

Religious teachings often alluded to our spiritual essence amidst notions of sin, damnation, and the quest for divine approval.

However, awakening has unveiled a different truth—I am an intrinsic fragment of the divine, an embodiment of its very energy.
As Jesus implied when questioned about his divinity, the essence of 'I AM' resides within all of us.

Understanding this core concept unveils an unwavering truth: nothing can diminish our intrinsic value or sever our connection to the divine.

We're merely on a temporary sojourn through human existence, destined to return to our pristine essence.

To those traversing their awakening, I empathize with the tumultuousness this journey can entail. 

Yet, it's a rediscovery—a recalling of our genuine selves.

Once we grasp that the essence of awakening is to understand love in its purest form, fear dissipates, replaced by an unwavering trust in our destined path.

Remember, we are exactly where we ought to be—navigating a path meant solely for our evolution and realization of boundless love.

Trust the process, embrace the unexpected, and honor the journey of becoming who we truly are.

All the Universal Love
Soul Alignment Mentor


To those seeking guidance on this transformative journey, I invite you to join me in a 7-week "Raise Your Vibration" course starting January 6th. Throughout these 7 weeks, I'll provide comprehensive guidance and insights essential for nurturing spiritual hygiene and elevating your energy. Email me for more information: [email protected]. Or join the course on

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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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