Path to Emotional Healing: Understanding the Energy Within

alignment autheniticity awakening balancing energy darkness energy energyhealing healer healing healing guidance healing support inner power innerchild mental health power of the mind Dec 01, 2023

Our emotions are stored within us as energy, influencing our beliefs, behaviors, relationships, and self-perception.

Feelings like anger, envy, jealousy, grief, and emotions tied to trauma such as shame, fear, and depression become a part of this energy within our bodies.

These emotions often surface as physical or mental symptoms, yet we might not immediately recognize the connection between these symptoms and the underlying emotions stored within us.

Our bodies communicate with us constantly, signaling what they need and revealing what's stored within, but we tend to disregard these signals due to the discomfort they bring.

Ironically, these uncomfortable feelings are precisely what we should pay attention to.

Often, we only acknowledge them when they grow into something more significant, impacting our daily lives to the extent that we can't function as we'd like.

This is when we might seek medical help or try to suppress these symptoms using medication or other coping mechanisms like addictive behaviors such as drinking or overeating.

Our eagerness to rid ourselves of these uncomfortable feelings leads us to avoid confronting them. However, this is where the healing process begins.

During our spiritual awakening, one of the initial stages involves introspection, where we assess not just our accomplishments but also the aspects of our lives causing us pain.

This introspection might involve revisiting our childhood experiences, examining learned beliefs, or reflecting on behaviors that left us feeling ashamed or guilty.
These aspects are often referred to as our shadows.

Our shadows represent the areas of our lives we tend to avoid, masking them with distractions.

However, suppressing them only amplifies our body's signals that something needs to be addressed and released.

Negative emotions and energies, especially those at lower frequencies like the ones mentioned earlier, generate dark energy in our aura, our energetic field.

This energy emits frequency messages that influence and shape our lives.

When we harbor these lower frequency emotions within us, we attract similar frequencies in people and situations around us.

Healing this stored energy often involves collaborating with someone knowledgeable about energy work.

They can help unearth what might be held in our energetic field, influencing the life we experience.

If you find yourself frequently struggling with something without understanding why, an energy worker or intuitive healer can assist in identifying and understanding the origins and development of this energy within your body.

Once you've identified this energy, you can work on releasing it from your aura field, allowing for the creation of new, clearer energy that attracts more positive experiences and emotions into your life. 

Confronting these challenging emotions, rather than avoiding them, facilitates their release.

Avoidance only perpetuates their presence within your energy field, affecting you and your surroundings.

While it's difficult to face these emotions for the sake of healing, this acknowledgment and exploration are precisely what will aid in their eventual release.

Remember, embracing and understanding our emotions is a pivotal step towards healing and personal growth.

It's okay to feel discomfort; it's a signal that something within us needs attention and care.

By acknowledging and diving into these emotions, we empower ourselves to release what no longer serves us.

Through this process, we pave the way for a more harmonious existence, attracting positivity, clarity, and fulfillment into our lives.

It's the journey of self-discovery and healing that propels us towards living a life aligned with our truest selves.
So, let's embrace the discomfort, dive into the depths of our emotions, and embark on a transformative journey towards wholeness and well-being.

Sending all the Universal Love,
Soul Alignment Mentor

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