Embracing Triggers: A Pathway to Self-Healing and Personal Growth

balancing energy mental health soul alignment spiritual alignment triggers Dec 21, 2023
Mental Health Triggers

Before embarking on my journey of self-discovery through energy work and healing after my spiritual awakening in 2016, I was unaware that my triggers held a profound purpose—they were beckoning me towards healing.

Instead of facing them, I would habitually run away, point fingers at others, slip into a victim mentality, or attempt to control external circumstances to alleviate my inner turmoil.

Little did I realize that the true source of healing lay within me.

I held onto a belief that if I could create a positive environment around me, I would inherently feel good.

However, this approach proved futile.

It wasn't until I started working on nurturing a genuine sense of self-worth and aligning with my inner truth that I began to notice a shift.

As I embraced self-compassion and found alignment with my authentic self, the energy surrounding me started to reflect this newfound harmony.

Triggers, often perceived as obstacles, actually serve as signposts guiding us back to our core essence.

They're not just disruptions but opportunities for self-reflection and growth.

Here are some key considerations that underscore the importance of working through triggers:

1. Understanding the Root Cause

Identifying the root cause behind triggers is pivotal. Unresolved past experiences and traumas often manifest as triggers, affecting our emotional responses. Recognizing these origins allows us to address them with compassion and understanding.

2. Embracing the Trigger

Instead of avoiding or suppressing triggers, embrace them. They hold valuable insights into our inner wounds and unprocessed emotions. By leaning into discomfort, we pave the way for healing and growth.

3. Engaging in Energy Work and Chakra Healing

Utilizing practices like meditation, mindfulness, and chakra balancing assists in addressing trigger-related imbalances within specific energy centers. This aids in restoring emotional equilibrium and facilitating healing.

4. Choosing Empowerment Over Reactivity

Rather than succumbing to reactive responses like blaming, victimhood, or control-seeking behaviors, opt for empowerment. Taking ownership of our emotions and responses empowers us to break free from cyclic patterns of distress.

5. Cultivating Emotional Resilience

Working through triggers cultivates emotional resilience. It involves acknowledging vulnerabilities while actively seeking opportunities for growth, fostering greater self-awareness and emotional stability.

In essence, triggers are not roadblocks; they're guiding lights illuminating the path toward self-discovery and healing.

By embracing them and engaging in healing practices, we unlock the potential for profound transformation and a deeper connection with our true selves.

Book a Healing Session or Reading

Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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