Ebb and Flow of Healing

energyhealing full moon healing healing guidance healing support mindfulness power of the mind present moment self doubt spiritual growth Oct 03, 2023
Aries Full Moon

Ebb and Flow of Growth, Spiritual Alignment, and Healing

The recent Full Moon in Aries took me on a journey far beyond my comfort zone. For those who follow lunar cycles, you're likely aware of how the moon's energy can profoundly impact us. Each phase of the moon—New Moon, Waxing Crescent, First Quarter Moon, Full Moon, Waning Gibbous Moon, Third Quarter Moon, and Waning Crescent Moon—carries its own unique influence on our lives.


Being an Aries Sun, I've always had a special connection with the Moon in Aries. However, the most recent Full Moon in Aries proved to be a particularly challenging experience for me. I've grappled with sleep issues during full moons, as the moon's proximity to Earth can create an energetic barrier that leaves me feeling restless and far from relaxed. Recognizing this pattern, I decided to experiment with the moon's energy instead of fighting against it. When sleep evaded me during these times, I chose to make the most of it by engaging in tasks around my home until my body signaled that it was time to try sleeping again. Over the years, I've noticed that this approach not only improved my sleep but also positively impacted my waking hours.

More recently, amidst sleep troubles and emotional turbulence, I found myself reflecting on the ebb and flow of the healing process and the quest to connect with our highest selves. Over the past month, I conducted several intuitive healing sessions and mediumship readings, all of which went smoothly, except for one. The client approached these metaphysical concepts with skepticism and was determined to prove my abilities wrong. Unfortunately, on that particular day, I found myself out of sync with my spiritual energy due to sleep deprivation, making it difficult to establish a strong connection. During the session, I openly admitted my inability to connect at that moment and shifted my focus towards the psychic energies I was sensing. Conducting mediumship readings demands a higher level of energy than simply tuning into someone else's energy, and the added challenge of a skeptical client only exacerbated the situation.

As I grappled with my own energy and internalized the client's skepticism, I took a step back to contemplate the concept of the moon cycle. This celestial dance involves the universe, Earth, the sun, and the moon, with the moon and sun appearing to rise and set due to Earth's rotation. This realization sparked an introspective journey into my own shadows. I began pondering the aspects of myself I had yet to confront, as they seemed to hinder my progress and block me from stepping into my own power or the next phase of life. I questioned what held me back and which parts of myself remained unacknowledged and unhealed.



This reflection led me to consider whether I was placing blame on external factors that should have been addressed within me. Was I projecting something outward that required personal introspection and resolution? The symbolism of the Full Moon, with its capacity to illuminate and reveal hidden aspects of our lives, became increasingly relevant to me. These hidden areas often consist of our ego-driven programming, parts of ourselves that we'd rather keep hidden away in the shadows, away from the scrutiny of the world.

In my personal journey, I've always been committed to growth and healing, even if it meant facing painful truths about myself. While the process of revealing these aspects can be distressing, it's an essential step towards aligning with our true and most authentic selves. The less we conceal in our energy, the more authentic our relationships become, allowing us to be our genuine selves.

However, healing isn't always a smooth or swift process; it occurs in phases, much like the moon's transitions between darkness and light. Our ego possesses both outer and inner dimensions, with the hidden, often shameful aspects acting as triggers that hinder us from fully sharing ourselves with the world. Deep within our spirit, there's a longing to pull us out of these dark, concealed shadows and into the light, revealing the inherent power within us.

While going inward and healing is essential for our growth, it's crucial to recognize that our healing process also follows phases, akin to the moon's cycle. There are moments for exploring our darker areas and times for basking in the light. Our spirit knows when each phase is right, and we must trust the natural ebb and flow of this healing process. We should allow ourselves moments of pause, during which we can sit in peace and light without constantly evaluating or exposing our hidden wounds.

When the spirit nudges us to embark on an inward journey, we should do so with love and self-compassion. Healing is not something we can force upon ourselves; it's a collaborative effort with our spirit, guided by love as we navigate through each phase. We gradually unveil one aspect at a time, allowing love and light to shine inward, revealing the hidden areas and ultimately releasing their grip on us. This process aligns us more and more with our highest self.

If you're feeling drawn inward at this moment, don't resist it. Instead, allow the light to expose what needs to be seen. Keep in mind that love is an integral part of healing, and the natural ebb and flow of seasons are essential components of this transformative journey. Release the need for control and simply be present in all moments, embracing the ongoing process of growth and self-discovery.



Book a Healing Session or Reading

Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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