Discovering the Purpose of Life: The Creation of New Earth

alignment balancing energy consciousness ego healing higher self human life newearth Jan 04, 2024
Purpose of Life

Have you ever found yourself pondering the purpose of life?

Wondering why our spirits choose to incarnate into this world of trials and tribulations?

It's a perplexing notion, isn't it?

Why leave the blissful, loving, and abundant realm we originate from to venture into a dimension filled with pain, grief, and other challenging emotions?

At first glance, this cosmic choice seems nonsensical to our human minds.

But what if we attempt to perceive it from a broader, more profound perspective—a viewpoint that transcends the limitations of our earthly existence?

Consider this: before embarking on our earthly sojourn, our higher selves glimpsed beyond the veil of material existence.
We foresaw moments of joy, love, laughter, companionship, family bonds, and the many human experiences that awaited us.

These experiences aren't just random; they serve a greater purpose—an opportunity for our spirits to discover our deeper essence, our true nature.

It is the contrast between the higher realms and the earthly existence that grants us a profound understanding of our magnificence.

Our spirits chose this path to explore the disconnection from our true selves.

Through these experiences, we contribute to the expansion of universal consciousness by providing a canvas upon which the energy of love can unfold and grow.

The challenges we face—pain, grief, fear—are not mere obstacles; they are profound lessons woven into the fabric of existence.

Each hardship serves as a catalyst for growth, an avenue to expand our capacity for empathy, resilience, and love.

In essence, we are fragments of the universal Source energy, continuously creating and expanding the cosmos.

Our journey through the contrasts of Earth facilitates this expansion by offering a polarity against which the energy of love can thrive.

Humanity, in its collective awakening, is increasingly recognizing this higher consciousness.

Many of us sense that we've been to this earth multiple times, having learned the many lessons it offers.

As we outgrow our current phase of existence, we stand at the threshold of co-creating a new paradigm—a 'New Earth.'

This evolution represents an opportunity for a renewed experience, a fresh canvas upon which our consciousness can further blossom.

From this perspective, every hardship becomes a remarkable lesson—an opportunity to grow, evolve, and nurture a deeper understanding of love.

As we navigate our earthly journey, let's embrace these experiences with open hearts.

Let's cherish the lessons they impart, knowing that they are steppingstones towards a more profound connection with ourselves and the boundless, expansive love that unites us all.

Remember, life isn't just about the hardships; it's about the transformation and growth they inspire within us.

It's about evolving into beings capable of embracing and radiating unconditional love—a love that transcends dimensions and enriches the very fabric of the universe.

In the end, it's the journey of self-discovery and the pursuit of love that infuses our existence with profound purpose.

Book a Healing Session or Reading

Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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