Rediscovering Love and Authenticity: A Journey from Religious Trauma to Self-Enlightenment

consciousness deconstruction ego healing healing guidance light religous trauma reprogramming the ego mind spiritual awakening spiritual growth spiritual healing trauma Nov 03, 2023
Healing Religious Trauma

In 2016, I experienced a profound spiritual awakening that set me on an unexpected path of self-discovery.

Little did I know at the time that this journey would lead me to confront and work through religious trauma and the beliefs I had developed during my time in the church.

It's a unique story, considering I didn't grow up in a religious household, but I found myself immersed in the church at the age of 16, driven by a quest for something beyond the ordinary.

From a very young age, I had unusual encounters with the spiritual realm. I could see spirits, hear them, and even heal myself using energy. It's fascinating how, as children, we often possess an innate understanding of the truth, but as we grow older, society's conditioning can slowly erode our connection to this innate wisdom. We begin to lose touch with our own power, forgetting that we possess the ability to illuminate the world around us with our unique light.

Instead of recognizing the radiant light within, we start searching for external sources to brighten our lives, including seeking love outside of ourselves. The more we drift from our true selves, the more we crave external validation and love.

Reconnecting with our authentic selves and reprogramming the ego mind involves rediscovering the inner light of love.

Love is the key to showing up as our most genuine and unapologetic selves.

We must understand that we don't need to earn the love within us; it already exists as an inherent part of our being.

We are love; we just need to reconnect with it and allow it to once again define who we are.

When we successfully relight that inner love, we can radiate it outwards, bringing transformative change to the world.

This is where religious teachings can sometimes lead us astray, by conditioning us to seek love outside of ourselves and making it something we must earn. In reality, the love we seek has always resided within us, waiting to be acknowledged and embraced.

So, if you're going through a process of deconstructing religious beliefs or seeking a deeper understanding of your spirituality, I encourage you to start within.

Everything you need to embark on this transformative journey has always been present within you.

You are the source of love, and by reconnecting with it, you can begin to radiate that love outward, ultimately making the world a brighter and more authentic place.

Seeking Spiritual Awakening or Healing Support?
If you're looking to deepen your connection with your spirit, and develop the ability to hear from your intuition, feel free to schedule an intuitive healing session or reading with me, or join my 7-week mentorship program focusing on energy, mindset healing, ego reprogramming, and developing your spiritual gifts.

Book a Healing Session or Reading

Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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