Embracing the Dance of Masculine and Feminine Energies

alignment autheniticity awakened woman balance balancing energy energy energyhealing feminine inner power masculine power power of the mind Nov 10, 2023
Balancing Energy

Have you ever thought about whether you're operating in your Masculine or Feminine Energy, or perhaps striking a harmonious balance between both?

This morning, a revelation struck me, prompting me to reflect on how we present ourselves in the world, particularly women. 

Twice a month I host a Women Circle call. These women come from all over the world, and we focus on healing, spiritual alignment, and manifesting the life we are truly meant to be living. 

Last night's Women Awakened Circle call was, as always, a source of encouragement and upliftment.

Before each call, I spend 30 to 45 minutes meditating, seeking guidance from spirit to shape the message for the women. During this meditation, the recurring theme was 'self-love.'

As I prepared to give this message to the women, I worked on aligning my energy to show up as my best self. 

However, just 5 minutes before the call, my usual vibrant and energetic demeanor shifted to a calmer, less energetic state.

This sudden shift in my energy, from the norm in which I usually try to show up, led to self-criticism, fearing I wouldn't lead the circle powerfully.

Despite these concerns, the circle unfolded as intended. Yet, the lingering question remained: "What happened to my energy?"

This morning, as I pondered this, I had a realization.

The shift I had suddenly was towards a calm feminine energy, which felt unfamiliar because I typically operate in a more masculine energy.

I recognized that the self-criticism stemmed from societal standards, dictating how we should show up—always strong, hiding weaknesses, serving tirelessly.
Balancing these energies proves challenging for many.

When you're less accustomed to engaging with your feminine energy, it might initially seem unfamiliar and evoke a sense of discomfort.

Exploring this less-frequented aspect of yourself can be a journey into uncharted territory, unveiling new dimensions of your being and fostering personal growth.

Embracing this discomfort is often the first step towards achieving a more balanced and authentic self.

Being in our Feminine energy doesn't negate our ability to show up powerfully; it means channeling power in a nurturing, less draining way.

It involves setting boundaries, standing our ground while being flexible, and prioritizing self-care alongside caring for others.

Balancing Masculine and Feminine energies lead to Soul Alignment.

It means allowing our highest self to guide us through our intuition, and an inner compass of love, compassion, and calmness.

This balance brings forth light, power, love, authenticity, compassion, and divine leadership.

The "I am" energy of Source (God) effortlessly embodies both energies at all times; it's our human tendency to perceive them as separate.

The more we harmonize these energies, the more we step into authenticity, allowing our inner light to shine in its original "I am" form.

 This balance leads to inner peace and Soul Alignment, allowing us to live as our most intuitive, radiate, aligned, powerful selves.

Achieving equilibrium between masculine and feminine energies is a profound journey that begins with self-awareness.

It involves a conscious exploration of your own tendencies and recognizing the areas where one energy tends to dominate over the other. This self-awareness is a crucial step in the process, comparable to navigating through the intricate terrain of your own psyche.

Identifying these dominant energies allows you to pinpoint specific aspects of your life where you may lean more towards assertiveness, logic, and action (masculine), or receptivity, intuition, and nurturing (feminine).

This introspective awareness is comparable to shining a light into the corners of your consciousness, revealing patterns that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.

As you uncover these imbalances, you gain the power to bring the pendulum back to the center, fostering a more harmonious blend of both energies.

It's a dance of self-discovery and adjustment, where you learn to leverage the strengths of both the masculine and feminine within you.

This delicate balancing act contributes not only to your personal growth but also to the richness and authenticity of your experiences.

The equilibrium between masculine and feminine energies empowers us to approach each day unburdened by fear or preconceived notions about performance and control.

Instead of being driven solely by the outcomes our ego craves, we can tap into the inner tranquility of our spirit—an ever-present guide that provides support and maintains a harmonious balance in our human existence.

This balance enables us to manifest lives that are authentically aligned with our true selves, shaping the fulfilling experiences we are meant to live in this lifetime.

Sending you All the Univeral Love,
<3 Angie 

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