Embracing Your Radiance: Unveiling the Power Within

autheniticity awakened woman balancing energy energyhealing healer higher self light manifesting mental health soul alignment triggers Nov 20, 2023

Exploring the notion of triggers has been a significant part of my healing journey and a large part of what I did in my many years or working in the mental health field. 

The concept gained prominence in the mental health landscape several years back when I was working at an inpatient facility for adolescent girls. It was there, diving deeper into understanding trauma and its profound impact on the brain, that I witnessed how experiences could rewire our thinking, leading to conditions like PTSD, anxiety, and other mental health challenges often linked to traumatic events.

My focus at the time was on supporting these young girls battling overwhelming emotions—anger, self-loathing, depression, self-harm, and anxiety.

While assisting these young women, I gained a deeper understanding of triggers, and profound insights into why they exist.
I even began to see purpose they serve in facilitating our healing journey.


The more I learned about triggers the more recognizing my own triggers and the instances where I triggered others.

Remarkably, I noticed that asserting my power or expressing my voice would sometimes unsettle others, evoking feelings of anxiety or triggering them in unexpected ways.

Integrating spirituality with mental health, I realized that triggers might not always unearth negatives within us; they could also highlight something positive.

At times, feeling triggered by someone else's unabashed display of light might expose our hidden desire to shine just as brightly.

We might react with envy, shame, or anger, judging through the lens of our discomfort instead of acknowledging their radiance as something powerful and positive.

These triggering circumstances often point towards our dormant gifts waiting to emerge.

They signify our ability to radiate positivity into the world and unveil our potential if we can let go of the fear or hesitation to be ourselves wholly, without worrying about others' comfort levels.

Embracing our authenticity and light without seeking external validation liberates us from triggers that aim to reveal our untapped potential.

We might even become the trigger for others—a position that's challenging yet enlightening.

However, once we learn to harness our unique essence and shine without restraint, living as our most authentic selves, devoid of fear or shame, that's when we experience true freedom and abundance.

It's in this space that we manifest the life we genuinely desire.
We're no longer constrained to dim our light to accommodate others' comfort or suppress our potential and gifts out of fear of unsettling them.

Now, we have the freedom to amplify the light within us, letting it emanate our essence, beauty, and power unabashedly. (without embarrassment or shame) 

So, the next time you find yourself triggered by someone else's light and power, pay attention to what exactly is causing that reaction.

It could be a subtle clue about your own hidden gift and the power waiting to surface within you!


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Set up a free consultation with me, and we can discuss how this program can help you protect your energy, heal limiting beliefs, and raise your vibration! Calendly - Angela Harris

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Soul Alignment Mentor Angie provides intuitive healing sessions designed to unearth the untapped potential concealed beneath layers of conditioned identity and accumulated pain. With her guidance, you'll rediscover your authentic essence, power, and strength, propelling you toward your highest potential and life's true purpose.

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